What are travel advisories? I’m guessing most everyone knows the terminology, but what exactly is a travel advisory? The actual definition can be somewhat daunting but as with all things in life, there are two sides to every story.
What are travel advisories? I’m guessing most everyone knows the terminology, but what exactly is a travel advisory? The actual definition can be somewhat daunting but as with all things in life, there are two sides to every story.
One of the best gifts ever given to me by my monkey sister – aside from lifelong unconditional love and friendship – was an invitation to visit their little piece of paradise on the shores of the Sea of Cortez, near el Cardonal, Mexico. Okay, wait, that’s a complete lie. We invited ourselves, they really had very little say in the matter.
We’re headed south of the border today, all the way south to San Bartolo, Baja. We consider ourselves lucky in that we’ve twice been to Baja – Los Barrilles.
Although no raw oyster has ever passed my lips (and fortunately, I have a good excuse in that I am allergic to shellfish) I very much enjoyed reading this post from my friend Kent.
We’re all about Peru right now! In my last post I interviewed Lyle, owner/operator of the GringoWasi B&B in Cusco, Peru. Lyle has generously contributed several recipes to our collection. As he says, he loves to cook and he loves to share.
Just over 1,000 miles south of the U.S./Mexico border is the town of Cabo San Lucas and just about an hour north of Cabo is the town of Los Barriles. And if you drive another hour or so beyond that, you’ll arrive in El Cardonal.